Saturday, September 20, 2008

My First 'Crime'

Just a really quick one here.

I got fined for jaywalking. Yeah, that's right. How bodoh right?

I mean of all 'crimes' I could have done, jaywalking had to be it. It's not even glam la.

So now, my name is with the traffic police as one of the most possible citizens to ignore the existence of a colossal piece of shit concrete you people call 'overhead bridge' because yours truly find it more practical and time-saving to just cross the road.

And it's not like I dashed across the road- I waited for the road to clear and by that I mean, no cars, no lorries, no trains, no rickshaw for at least 50m before hurrying to the other side of the road. That has got to count for something eh!

Hurhur. Whatever la. It was my fault anyway.

But seriously, the 2 policemen were waiting for me under the overhead bridge and I can bet till my last dime that they were so freaking happy that I jaywalked. Cause finally there's some action.

Talk about being worth the wait.

And funny shit is I told so many people that I want to commit like a small harmless 'crime' before I turn 18 and nahh, take this amalina! Bodoh sia. It's not like I advocate crime but I mean, if you are gonna do something about it, better make the best out of it.

And I wrote countless compositions when I was in P1 and P2 about people getting fined for jaywalking and confidently I told my English teacher then, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Which idiot would get fined for jaywalking? It's just too stupid. "

Baik baik.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chanel no5 For Sale

This is 100ml Chanel No5 Eau De Parfum. Just bought- packaging plus plastic wrapper still intact. Counters are selling this off at S$200. I am selling this off at $150. Price is negotiable, contact me if interested. Thanks!


Anyway! I am selling my perfume off cause I decided I do not want it. Okay, I am such a liar. It's because I decided I wanted Chanel Chance instead and it will be pretty dumb to have 2 Chanel fragrances at the same time. So, I'm letting this go to get the other one.

Actually, just quote me a reasonable price and I'll sell it to you. Reasonable enough for me to get the other one.

Oooo.. like "The Price is Right" eh!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Been very busy of late.

Y'know, with studying for promos and fiddling with the omnia, figuring the omnia, flaunting the omnia and things like that...

Nah, I'm kidding. Studying isn't going much as plan but hey, at least, I got some going here. And, I pretty much realised, I cannot do Physics to save my life. If I am at gunpoint, I rather you shoot me than ask me to do some forces and dynamics question. Either way, I'm dead already.

Let me tell you what mah bitch (omnia) can do.

I can write my sms.
I have the accelerometer shit so the screen thingy kinda move in any direction that I go.
I can reject my call by just flipping my phone downwards.
I can...

A lot more. But of the thousand functions, those above are the only ones I figured. Whatever, slow and steady wins the race!

If anyone of you knows anything else, enlighten me okay!

And I realised that a few of my post talked about my dad but this will be the last one, I promise!

Dad: Alamak, the shop close la. (some apek electronics shop)
Me: Okay, lets go 7-11 now.
(dad walks fast)
Me: Ba, can walk slower not?!
Dad: Hurry later the shop close!
Me: ...