Saturday, April 11, 2009


This comes a little too late but in case anyone is wondering about my PW result, it's A.

So, just when I thought something good is actually coming into my life, life comes back and bit me like a good bitch. I trust I don't have to remind you of how accident-prone I can get and if there is ever a 50% probabilty of getting hurt in a non-dangerous activity, I am in the other side of 50%. That's the making of a champion.

Yesterday was the most eventful day I ever had in a week. In the morning, I was listening to The Beatles and of all songs, Hey Jude was on repeat in my head so I didn't do much yesterday except for singing really really loudly and out of tune the whole day. Then at night, I was on the bed reading a book and honestly, that song sticked in my head better than 10 leeches ever could stick on anybody's behind.

So, I was at the right side of my bed and I rolled over, no wait, I kind of violently rolled over to the left and reached out to the floor to get my mp3. So get this, there is a wardrobe on the left side of my bed. Any solid object that is in the proximity of my motion is an interference and thus a probable source of injury.

And true enough, I hit my head on the edge of my wardrobe and I literally, jerked back and was on my back for quite a while. At first, I was so shocked, some kind of adrenalin rush kinda thing. Then when that stopped, everything else did. And that's when I had a lapse kind of thing, you know, like not being aware of what happened at that instant. I blanked out.

When I was concious, my vision was blurred and hell, I was so afraid I hit some kind of nerve thingy that would make me blind or like amnesia, the first thing I instinctively did was shout out my own name. And since I did not shout out "Jessica Alba", I knew I was fine.

But but but, I had a super high fever later, went for check-up and all and I think I'm fine. The only discomfort is that my head hurts, my ear will suddenly gets blocked and then I'd feel a poking kinda thing in both ears. But other than that, I'm good.

Anyway, my ulcer is gone! Something's gotta give.

Secretly, I'm worried that there's some damage in my brain.

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