Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm thinking whether to go to school tomorrow or not. I've not been feeling well since last Thursday and my fever is like on-off kinda thing oh but the ulcer on my tongue is getting better but but but, there's a new one at the tip of my tongue now.

Anyway, I really really really hate it when someone wants me to do something and they'll go, "If you really care about ____, then you'll do it". Or like, " I understand if you dont want to ____ but if it really means a lot to you, you would do it."

Smart move if you want someone to do something really nasty. But really, do you think by passing such a statement, I'd actually do whatever you want me to do just because I have to prove to you that whatever that thing is really is important to me. Cause if I go the other way, it shows I don't really care about it.

Like exxxcccuuuuussseeee me, who are you?! There was this once, someone said to me, "If you really care about this project, you'll do it". Knowing full well that I care about the outcome of the project, cause excuse me, I put in most of the effort and she just sashayed in, hoping someone would assume her brain is squeezed dried, she dare tell me "If I really care.."!

I remembered telling her "I really care about this project but I won't do it because I don't have to prove anything to someone who don't matter... like you". She cried and didn't want to friend me. We were in Primary 4.

I was so mean even then. Oh goodness.

Moral of the story, if you want me to do something, just tell me nicely. If I like you enough, I'd do it.

PW results tmr!

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