Friday, September 25, 2009

So I'm thinking that it's 2 in th freaking morning and if you had down a mug of coffee and did some shit ass physics mcq and then try to get some sleep, chances are you are too unstable to be thinkin straight. So when I wake up in th morning, this will all be a 7hours phase and I'll forgive myself for being a fucktard.

So I'm googling you now and it's so shameful. Told you I moved on and have forgotten everything but things like this only haunt you back when u aren't sleeping. Probably I want to remember how it felt because I remembered it felt nice and special. I felt nice and special because you always know how to say th right thing after saying something stupid. And you are so aware of how I feel though we never really talk for a whole day. You really have a way with words and me. Have always wondered how things would have worked out btwn us if things didn't fuck themselves. Browsed thru old pictures and realised I couldn't look at the photos we took. Don't know why but maybe because I cannot look at your face anymore. Makes me feel uneasy. Strange but until now I never knew what all of that and us were. You are probably my biggest mistake up to date but it was a mistake I enjoyed.

I hope when I read this again I can be calm and not fuck myself over.

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