Friday, October 16, 2009

I remembered last year I was doing a similar post while doing orientation proposal. Haha. One year has passed. Nothing much have changed. I used to think when I was 15, my 18th birthday gonna be the shizzz. Like I'm gonna drink and take em weeds and smoke my ass off. Haha I am kidding.

I never really expect anything for birthdays like I think th best gift is just wishing me happy birthday but hell, if you're about to get me a white Volkswagen, by all means don't let me stop you. And when I read my smses and they say "18th", I just can't help feeling this foggy old person who is just very old.

And Kai told me I can have sex already. Of course that's what I'll do in my first hour as an 18 year old cause everything else is not important. Haha. If anything, for th first time I have plans for this one year anh hopefully it'll come through. 17 was alright but I'm hoping 18 is the shizz man.

Happy 18th birthday to me!

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