Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whenever I study Physics, I get fidgety. And sad.

But I'll do it all the same this time.

You know, Mr Ng Kar Kit, the Head for Physics is so freaking funny. I think he has an unexpected, cold sense of humor. It's like his humor is a sudden random outburst... think of it like the decay shit you learn in Nuclear.

He would band us according to these based on our Mid Year results:

A- Awesome! (A-B grades)
B- Better next time (c, d, e i think)
C- Can make it eventually (s,u)
D- Don't take A level, pls

HAHAHAHA. Omg this is the closest thing I'll ever like in Physics.

And he said something like this when someone couldn't answer his question, "You should ask a 5th grader".

If only Physics is fun.


OK la, maybe I'll do chem for a bit now.

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