I want to quit school and spend the pathetic remnant of my also pathetic life at home rotting away. Then when I get too old and my parents start contemplating of disowning me, I'll go to 7-11 and apply for a job. I'll tell them proudly that I was from Tanjong Katong Secondary and have Olevels. There isn't a reason why they would hire me.
Anyway, life has been great actually. Really, don't believe me. It's so great that I am 75% clueless about what is happening in lectures and tutorials, 20% fighting the urge to snore and 5% actually trying not to drool when my eyes are already closed.
This week was better than last maybe because I've anticipated the shit I'll be in. I really don't want to talk bad about MJC just like how I abstain from talking bad about TK but I find it increasingly hard. It's not the people or the environment or anything like that, really. You know, it's that kind of thing you cannot put your finger on. That kind of thing that can either make you smile or swear. But, I don't hate MJC, in fact I've grown to like it more bit by bit. But, there's still that little something...
Anyway, my rally went off really well and judging from the comments I received after the speech, it was fantastic. And I'm hoping they did not say what they said just because we are friends cause though it's really awww sweet, it's great cause I have an ego to shield. But no, seriously, I think it went off really well and Samuel said, "Your personality was so overwhelming that it grabbed everyone's attention. Did you notice that everyone was listening to what you had to say?"
No, I didn't Samuel partly because someone I cannot recall suggested imagining the audience naked and when I did, I started seeing funny things in my head and secondly, I was too busy making sure my stained palms didn't touch my uniform.
I was afraid, paranoid that I would mess up so I decided the best solution is to write my 6 points on my palm using a pink marker. It would have been the best solution if first, I wasn't such a wussy and start to perspire and smudging the words and secondly, if I had even attempted to be discreet when I was referring to my palm during my speech.
Other than that, it was swell. Actually, the audience was really supportive and their claps and cheers made my speech better, so thank you guys! And, to those who I don't know and still came up to me to say they'll vote for me, thank you many many! :D
Anyway, I got a B for my GP diagnostic test and it was my bad because I failed to focus on the question and made sweeping statements. Purely my bad. And we did a timed GP essay yesterday and I chose "Homework is harmful. Do you agree?". I probably will not do well for this either because mine was a 4-page essay so it's a bit too long and I didn't utilise the strategy taught. So maybe, it's a B again but please please not a C.
Chemistry is losing its charm. I am not just saying this because my new best-friend is GP but because first, Chem is getting hard like balls (HAHA) and MJ place such great emphasis on presentation that the beauty in Chemistry dies. And, they are really strict with their marking. There is no error carrying forward so for one of my assignments, my first step was correct but because somehow the answer that I got was wrong, the whole question was crossed. And, it happened for 2 out of 3 questions. No method marks, no nothing so I failed la. 4.5/23. I should go for "Calculator-Pressing" remedial. I passed the latest one though, 8.5/14 but you can see it's as good as failing.
Anyway, I have to do my PI all over again cause Mr Chiang feels that the scope on Nasir Abas is too narrow that I may not have enough research materials for later stage. If it was some lame ass teacher, I probably would be fuming mad but because he is a nice guy, I willingly researched all over again and completed half of the PI already.
I have to do a research essay for CSE and it has to be 2000-2500 words with proper citation. I'm doing it and the more words I type, the more I wish to be electorouted. Then, the other half of the PI, then study for Chemistry and Maths tests next week.
This post is getting too long.
Ama: What do you get when you cross a bunny with an insect?
Mr Chiang: (pondering hard) Eight legs and two ears?
Ama: No, if you give me excellent marks for my PI, I will tell you a lame joke a day.
Mr Chiang: Hahaha, I'm sure you have plenty to offer.
Built a repuation for myself already.
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