Saturday, January 24, 2009

So, this year, I've aimed to buy things on my own using my own money.

Yes, thank you for having confidence in me, Mr/Ms Sceptical.

No but really, I've come to this realisation that I take things for granted way too much and it's getting unhealthy. And it doesn't help that I want everything I see everytime I'm out and it certainly does not help with all these talks on recession and people dying on 2012.

Actually, nobody said that we would die on 2012 to me but I have this strange inclination of wanting to believe the Aztech. And if they are true, why the hell am I still studying, I only have 3 years to waste my life.

I digress.

So, I've thought. 17 years on and I don't know how to cook rice, don't iron my clothes, don't wash my clothes, don't clean my room and don't give a damn about many things but still am a remarkable genius, something has to be wrong with me, no?

And thus I've come to the conclusion that each time I see something I want to buy, I'll save up and get it but of course, if my mother/father offers to get it, I will kindly obliged. Haven't you heard of filial piety?!

My short term aim to save up to get a monthly disposable contact lens. And I can easily get it in a week if I don't spend at all. So, last week I spent nothing in school and I already had $50 but but but, I bought my father a surprise birthday cake and all, so it's back to square one.

Can you say 'sacrifice'?

And this week, I've saved up too but because, actually there is no because, I spent some cash in school so by the end of the week I had $30. So, not bad right another $20 plus, I can get the contacts already.

But yesterday, my mother and I were out having lunch and we thought she should try looking for a handbag she wants. So, I thought, I'll help her look and look and look and kabaam! My eyes met it. It's brown skin and I knew it was love at first sight. But, you see, a Renoma always ranges 100plus to 300plus and I will never spend that much on a bag. Okay, maybe not now but the point is, I have a goal in mind which is to get my contacts.

So, since the bag would definitely be out of my league, what harm can checking out the price do, right?

It was going for $29 and my mom and I was like, "Oh maybe they left a 1 in front of it," but apparently not. Cause remember the $30 I had? Now, I have $1 left.

Can you say 'bodoh'?

But not really bodoh la cause it was as good as stealing it and it is so gorgeous, I just had to. Now I have to wait for another week before I get the contacts. And my mom still can't find a handbag. HAHA. I told you I'm just that good.

You should try earning your own money, it just makes you want to spend other people's money.

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