Sunday, August 17, 2008

Human Labour

What happened this morning further reinforced my point that PW kills.

So, the group met up for some last minute meeting. Oh wait, no it was 3/4 of the group cause the other one apparently was too sleepy to even wake up to join us. Yeah, that's right. Sleepy. And the other 3 of us are so goddamn awake, filled with such fervour to drown our Sunday morning with this horrible existence that just wastes our time day in and day out. Otherwise known as PW.

And, this isn't the first time our group has been fuctioning as a 3 person group.

I don't know why I'm typing this here anyway but it just pisses me off that while the rest of the group are trying to meet deadline, some asswipe can choose to just not wake up.

I had something else to say here but all that "excitement" from above has distracted me.

Anyway, keep them tags coming darlings! Will reply very soon!

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