Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Need New Music

Let me give you a sneak peak to my life this week. Pretty cool shit, I tell you.

Monday: 2/3 of WR to be ready/EOM to be almost perfect
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: Physics Lecture test/Chem A level SPA/stay back for SC.
Thursday: Maths Vectors Test/Phy SPA trial
Friday: Physics PBL presentation/due for research essay.

Don't you wish you were me instead?

Week 8 is gila babi. Like seriously. The week has not even started but I'm all poised for it to be over.

The only things I have done are 1) Physics MCQ 2)teachers day proposal 3)half of research essay (and knn, this took me the whole day. Okay, half a day cause I only started at 6pm). How to make it like that ah?

Anyway, there is the CSE trip to China (duh) in late November and I'm still contemplating. I want to go but I don't at the same time. It's like China, yaww. I've read many things about them, heard stories about their emperors and rulers, say nasty things about them though all of them are really funny shit, make China jokes and now I'm going China.

Man, I don't know. Should I?

Okay, China can wait but my Great Wall of China list of things to do cannot.

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