Thursday, October 16, 2008

17 years on

Happy Birthday to me!

17 years of life and so far,

1) fractured an arm. done.
2) sprained ankle. done.done.done.done.done.done.done.done.done.done.done.done....
3) tore a ligament. done.done.
4) went thru at least a surgery. done.
5) fall down unglamarously. (i cannot write the same number of 'done' to account for this)
6) embarass myself. (same thing)
7) committed a crime (heh heh, u rmb)
8) matured in thinking (i like to say yes but sadly, no)
9) make ppl laugh at my jokes (they laugh at me. good enough la eh?)
10) have great family (the best there is)
11) have great friends (oh hell yeah)
12) grateful to Allah (every moment)
13) became a better person (there's a limit to how good a person can be yaw!)
No no, but seriously. I want a white dwarf hamster.

When I was 15, I thought, shit I'm getting so old and before I know it, I'll turn 40 and have soon have menopause and then wither and die. Okay maybe not that exact thoughts but you intelligent asses get my drift. And my friends know that when I was 16, which happened not to be too long ago, really, I really liked it if I don't get reminded of my age. Cause in all honesty, I fear turning old. Really.

Whatever la with the saying age is just a digit. It's not just a digit! If it is, people don't turn cranky, become so.. you know, old-ish, turn dead and eventually dead. Sometimes, I used to forget I was 16, I used to think I was 14 then.

If you are anything lesser than 17, be happy now cause your day will come to turn this old. If you are more than that, you should just prepare for menopause.

I'm kidding.

But, I just don't like being old. Really.

Happy to still be living nonetheless!

(thanks guys for the smses so far :) )

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