Thursday, October 9, 2008


Here's to another year of waking up miserably in the morning, sitting restlessly in tutorials and dozing off endlessly in lectures when all you really want to do is stay home in bed with curtains drawn and the aircon on!

Results were okay la. I mean when your goals for Promos are just to get E for everything, hell, results are supposed to be superfragilistic...(something something)!

I got C for Physics but because in my final question, I accidentally present my answer as 2s.f, they deduct a mark. And, my C happened to be just on the dot so with that deduction, I'm sitting on a D.
But, this is my paper and my work. So, screw it. It's a C.

GP essay was exceptionally well but my comprehension pulled me down. And I need 1 mark to get a B. And you guys already know how I roll, so screw you C! (it's a B.. B..B *chants*)

Chemistry was just pure work of luck. E on the dot.

Maths was an utter disappointment. Heart-wrenching. The paper was fair but since stupidity flows in my every pore, I got E. Bodoh like nothing.

CSE is another disappointment alright. From B to S. And Ms Fauzana wrote this, "Disappointing. You should be doing much better". My exact sentiment as well.

Since there isn't any U and I fulfill the Promotion criteria, i think, I should be wearing that super hot uniform for another year.

And to think I actually made plans on what to do should I screw up my Promos. And, funny thing is, I kinda like these plans more than I like to go on another year.

But who cares what I like. This is Singapore.

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