Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I am so glad that Obama wins. It used to be a matter of being a potential African American president to me, then to how freakishly handsome he looks when he rebutted McCain but now, it's just about how I feel he has proved himself worthy of the throne.

And you know, when he came out to give his speech, he looked so calm like the fact he was the president-elect has not gotten to him. I think that's what attracted people to him cause it appears he sincerely wants this change to happen and I'm so very glad America got it right this time.

I knew I had no chance of being president when I started feeling bad for McCain during his concession speech because clearly I work on emotions! I think I only felt bad cause he was old and this had been such a long journey for him and the fact that the Republicans knew it was coming their way since Bush kinda fucked up the office.

But, seriously though, can u even bear to imagine Palin as the VP? I'll slit my wrist and turn emo and die, die and do it all over again.

Anyhoo, back to the reason why you even bother reading my blog. Because you are so interested in my life! Haha. You know, I never thought I will keep this blog going for such a long time. I'm a lazy lazy genius you'd ever known what. But, I'll save that rant for another post.

The 5 minutes we had were pretty fast; I stood there, talked, talked, waiting for the first bell to go, then it did, then I panicked, then I lost my train of thoughts and then I got it back and then I said thank you. Ta-dah!

Q&A was alright but I could have done much better. But, I'm happy as it is.

But, the story for today is not about me or Obama... it's about this China boy, lets name him X. And, he isn't that other China boy in my group cause he was punctual and cooperative so thank heavens.

So, X being X which means he is a dirty (literally), unclean, uncleansed, unhygienic and all those other beautiful words, came in late for OP! For a good half an hour. His leader was panicking cause a) he has no handphone so there's no way they can contact him and b) he's a selfish ass.

He rushed in the room in the midst of a presentation and he started slurring in his thick accent about how apolegetic he is and I lost him right there cause I really believe he started conversing in alien language with a strange China accent when the examiner denied him entry into the room.

Oh the drama has just begun.

During his presentation, now, I really really died. It was like stand-up comedy, Katt Williams would have lost hands down. He gestured here and there, spoke in English that sounded 99.9% as Chinglish (Chinese and English), had mini hops here and there and in some totally uncalled for situations, he began raising his voice to assert his points.

It was like seeing Mao being reincarnated. But, I bet to my last dime, Mao would have been a million times better to watch and listen to.

His Q&A was the bomb cause first, he only had 1 point for the question and he repeated it, para-phrase here and there for close to 10 minutes. And, the teachers didn't stop him and I sat there trying so hard to hold my laughter. And he was so eager to leave but apparently, he had question number 2 to answer.

Can you freaking imagine the pain I had to go through? I needed to laugh so bad, roll on the floor but all I could do was bite my tongue with my shoulders vibrating due to my restrained laughter and there he was, standing so inoccent, ignorant of his surrounding and started to repeat his point all over again.

Good comedy bodoh! If I had balls, they would have shrunk.

I think he's a born comedian. He doesn't need to have materials to prepare, just open the mouth, and you have the stand-up comedian of the year.

I concede defeat.

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