Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm beginning to get very busy. Again!

It's the same ole shit. Orientation and then PW. PW and then Orientation.

Oh speaking of which, let me please bitch to you about PW. I've seen how my other friends have found such therapy in bitching about PW, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

No, it's not about that China boy I've loved to hate because lets face it, I don't give two hoots if he wants to do his work or just eat bak kut teh all day, all night. And oh, did I tell you how he scared the hell out of us when he said he was migrating to Canada! Yeah, I was supposed to be the happiest girl on this warm planet but if he did, we won't be able to do our OP. Now, that's tragic.

Anyway, my PW tutor (topic of discussion today) is a really really nice person. As in he's full of warmth and so eager to actually help us get thru this hell, I've got to give that to him. But, you see, he has this impression that I always let my council work take priority over my PW.

Now, now, sir. If you know me well enough, my PW takes precedence in everything I do during this period of time but I am a councillor, so there is no running away from council work. And that means I have to juggle both and that can be so draining.

But that's not the point.

Just because I wasn't with my group in the beginning part of the day for 2 days during the OP preparation, he thinks I am SOOOOO tied down with my council work that I am just so weak and pathetic that I have to let the rest of my group do my share for me. Well, he didn't say weak and/or pathetic but if you have an over-active mind who grabs exaggeration at every possible instance, you would have thought likewise.

Now, now, again, sir. I will never stoop so low as to push my share of shitty work to other poor souls and if you recall during the WR period, who was the one who emailed you 3 nights in a row the updated WR at 3am?

And even then, I had council work to complete too.

I mean, yeah I was wrong not to be with my group for that 2 days but I came back with my slides and all done prim and proper. It was just that there was some urgent council work that had to be completed immediately and if I were to choose either one to do at the moment, it has to be the one that needs my attention most. You would have so done the same, I just know.

But, really don't get me wrong. He's really really nice as a person/teacher. He is the type who goes the extra mile for each of his student and he really doesn't mind. Really funny guy.

And, I'm a feeling very guilty for writing all those but urgh! I thought this is supposed to be therapeutic.

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