Friday, March 28, 2008

School Is Slowly Killing Me

Why, Friday, why did you take so long to come? Why? Are you gonna wait for me to die of exhaustion then you'll get satisfied?

I've attained enlightenment and found the true-est meaning to "TGIF". I'm telling you, don't you dare say "TGIF" when for the past 4 days, if you've reached home from college before the sun sets, if you have nothing to do but just bite your nails and count the number of strands of hair you have and thought that was hell or to simply put it, if you were not living my life.

Hurhur. A bit emo the last sentence eh.

But seriously, I've been so busy these days that I don't even have time to stop and breathe, let alone stop and stare la. Lame lah, Amalina. Anyway, for 3 days running I've been reaching home about 8pm and then I'll be exhausted and the only thing I want to do is to sleep. But, I didn't cause I have tutorials and assignments to be completed. Then, when I no longer can tahan, I finally sleep and even then, it seems like it was 1/73827328372837283702893728371287383728937238927392 of a second that I could have some time for myself. Then, I wake up and go to school and my everything starts again.

It's not helpful at all that I cannot do Maths tutorial questions so the only thing I can feel is stupidity. And, I still don't know how to use GC. Maths is so bloody disgusting but at the same time, I want to do it but I cannot because... I have not gained Mathematical Enlightenment. Eeee maths.

So, I've put up my posters in college and Wan Fong, I love you soooo much woman! My TAs think the posters were very good, my friends looooove it and I think I have the prettiest posters. Especially, the Simpson's piece. Thank you so much love! Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. :D

Okay, now I'm off to do my PW research and China research. We had a question, "What makes Chinese, Chinese?". I'm doing Journey, by the way.

you can deny all that in one breath

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