Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Touch And Go

Just a really quick update before I go running and settle my remaining tutorials.

2nd day in Term 2 and so far, things have not yet gone bad. Everything is still in place, homeworks still done, tutorials completed and lectures attended. Lets just hope the rest of the term remains like this.

Having said that, I had a Physics Lecture Test on the first day of T2 and I have done the necessary preparations; not sufficient to top the chart but still sufficient to get by. And just when I thought everything was going my way, I realised moments after the end of the test that I did not convert the whole of Question 4 to the SI unit. Yes, shoot me, thank you very much.

Apart from that little hiccup, everything else seems better. Not best, just better. I think I love GP partly because my GP tutor, Mr Chiang who happens to be my CT teacher happens to be my favourite teacher currently. That explains a lot, eh. And we had a Diagnostic Test just now and I kept reminding myself that there isn't a need to sustain the A+ or any reason why I have to impress the marker unless of course the marker is my favourite teacher. Didn't give myself much of a choice, eh?

Got a B for Chemistry Redox assignment. Happy and grateful but not contented.

Oh and so we have our PW task already. It's a choice between Journey and Modernisation. But, there isn't much of preparation just yet because they are still in the process of briefing it to us. I like PW period a whole lot because other than the fact that there is one particular guy in the LT who... lets just say are in touch with his feminine side a tad more than an average guy, there is no other possible reason that can exist. But, still a nice guy and he reminds me of someone I used to know in TK.

And Mr Chiang is my PW teacher also. I guess other than the particular person up there, I have another reason to like and excel PW.

Till then babeh.

Till then babeh.

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