Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sick Messages

Physics, after so much animosity between us, you have finally given way to my persistence. Honestly, you suck but because I don't really have much of a choice, I will do everything within my woman power to make it work between us. Don't disappoint me.

Chemistry, you have tested my loyalty like no other have. You brought me to places I've never been, made me felt things I never exist and you are a whore. No, I don't really mean that. But, now that things are better between us especially Chem Bonding, I hope it stays that way. No more confusion. I think it's our communication. If we want this relationship to last, we gonna work on that.

Maths, you can go fly kite. I haven't touch you at all. Nothing. Kosong. Prata kosong, I tell you. But, I'll visit you this week. I should actually. Well, I better. Other than that, I have nothing to say to you but I really really don't think it'll work between us.

CSE, I really don't know how to say this but as much as I love you, I have to let you go. For now. I'll memorise every inch of your body when the time comes but for now, you do not top my priority. I'll buy Bak Kut Teh to compensate this emotional abuse I've caused.

GP, I love you. But, I have no time for you. I'll make time, I promise. I love you, essay but comprehension, you and I do not click. Work with me compre and imagine what we can achieve. You, me, we can conquer the world!

and im reaally sleepy. bye.

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