Sunday, May 25, 2008


The little kids were over just now, so all hell kinda broke loose. I think they are really cute now that they are a tad older and less... kiddy. What random thought.

Anyway, I just got my IC deployment and I am one of the ICs for Orientation 2009. Heh, kinda ironic is it not? If your memory serves you well enough, you will remember my complaints about the pointless and ludicrous nature of orientation generally. Major lol that I'm planning it now.

So, if you are thinking into coming to MJC next year, take it from me, I'm gonna make orientation hell for you! Mbuahahahaha! Okay, who am I kidding?

Went around to a few of the no. 6 councillors' blogs and they talk a lot about council. Funny that I don't. But, I think it is because everyone but me is down for Pre-U seminar and I have exams on the actual days so no chance of making it at all. I just thought it's a little funny.

I'm starting revision seriously tomorrow onwards with a few respite here and there on some days but yeah. Hopefully I have the discipline to get my ass on the chair and do some work.

Oh yeah, I finished my Anne Frank's diary and been meaning to tell you guys about it. So, she died la in the end obviously but I really have to agree that she thinks beyond her years. 13 years of age and she was able to blend so well humor and the atrocity of life at that time. They hid at this place they called Secret Annex and somewhere in August 1944, a bootlicker, I like to believe, gave a tip off that some Jews were hiding there. So they were caught and of the 8 people who lived there, only 1 survived the war. And that was Otto Frank, Anne's father.

Really depressing.

Now, I'm reading Apocalypse 2012. You may know it as Doomsday and all the hoo hah about the Mayan calendar.

Off to sleep now and tomorrow onwards will be dreadfully loong.

have you ever seen the rain?

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