Saturday, May 24, 2008

dear mister,

I had one of the happiest days of my life yesterday. Well, considering the fact that my life all this time in college were like bitches, any small nice things can make me the happiest person in the world!

Went shopping with Kai and Sharm yesterday and the two of them gave up on me. I think it's true, I never get tired walking all over Orchard on normal days but you can't blame it was first day of GSS yesterday! So, you have to get 'em ass moving!

I think I walked/ran more than 2.4km and all 5 stations put together. But, I wasn't shagged at all. I think I should propose integrating shopping and napfa to the PE department.

Oh and yesterday, everything was such a steal. 40% off la, 50% off la and some even 70% off la. But some shops cheated and gave discounts for the fugly things and all those nice things are still expensive. I bought a Rip Curl tote at 50% off and I think that's the only reason why I bought it. I'm not really sure if I bought it out of liking it but hell, 50% off is already a damn good reason to buy!

Oh this happened, I waited for 579 from Far East cause it stops exactly at my home and so while on the phone with Hassy, I waited. And waited. And waited. But, because I'm really a sucker for phone conversation (i almost wrote conservation. haha), I didn't even realise I waited for 45 minutes and still not giving two fucks that the bus wasn't there yet. And I was too happy with all my purchase, I forgot I was even waiting for the bus. So, I sat at the bus-stop aimlessly for close to an hour.

Dad called and he said 579 ended their service at 430pm and I had to take 518 instead. And 3 518 actually drove past me while I was there. But, I was still happy with my purchase.

So, my plans to study Physics was busted. Okay no not really, I did 3 TYS questions. Better than nothing. Heh.

dear mister sales attendant, you are hot as hell and cute as pie and i think im in love with you. yes, for barely 75 mins, i think i am and this is definitely a phase, but i live for the moment. i dont know why i said no but i did and i want to shoot myself when i think of it. you are really hot and im very shallow right now but i still think you are really really hot. i dont think i'll ring you up cause that wont be classy anymore. but maybe, i'll go to your shop one day and say i need to buy more tops but you and i will know the real reason why.

Have you ever wanted something and when it's actually right in front of you, you turned around and walked away? And, you wonder why you do what you did.

No? Good. Cause the feeling sucks.

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