Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Horhhxxzzz Liaooxxzz!

My nose really really hurts. Especially at the bone part. Feels like I was punched.

Lets try to do this in the calmest possible way. I just bought a new Compaq Notebook and I am very very very very very very very very.... HAPPY.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :D :)))) XD Yabadabadooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not very calm, I suppose. Heh.

The current one I'm using is Compaq also but it is white and the new one is black and it's Vista. I've been wanting to use Vista for the longest time but Dad is just too lazy to upgrade my current one. Weeeeeeeeee!

Happy, liaooozz horhhxxzzz!


Anyway, I've not been doing any school work for 3 days with the exception of reading TIME and Anne Frank's Diary. I'll get round to it. I will.. Oh yes I will.

I'm starting to sound really like a chronic procrastinator who is almost certain that he/she can save the world by doing it at the eleventh hour. God, I love myself...

Oh yeah, you really really have to read Anne Frank's Diary if you have not cause take it from me, it's really really interesting. It's almost like you are listening to her narrating her entries to you and you can feel the suspense, the fear, the sorrow of those who lived during the Holocaust. It is freaking scary but it's really a good read.

Okay, I will study for my Chem test again maybe tomorrow or something. I will continue being an ass today. Yay me!


Lol, I love that.

Ciao, homies.

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