Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lion And Oranges

I just came back from a very very long day and all I really want to do now is get on the bed with my pillow and bolster and my blanket up to my neck and feeling the chill from the aircon on my skin.

So, I had the best of both world today and I am just saying this to sound very optimistic since my recent posts have traces of negative vibes and it is always important to have the perfect balance, eh. I attended MJC celebration and I will not fill you in with my emotions when I was at the celebration since it will disrupt the balance I have so carefully perfected.

Having said that, it's not that I did not enjoy my time in MJ cause I sure as hell did and in all honesty, it was the best celebration I've attended prior to my eleventh year in the education system in Singapore.

So, we were home sweet home finally after what seems forever! We waited for the cab for 20 minutes plus and I'm telling you, it did not seem like forever, it hell was an eternity. Finally called for the cab and when we were on TK's ground and you see the pillars which were once so insignificant to you and the familiar faces of your friends under the rotunda, the $2.50 booking charge was worth every cent.

Anyway, if you are Chinese, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CAI!

And, if you are anything but Chinese, please watch some Stephen Chow movie during the holiday. He is soooo hilarious!

This post is lacking substance... the way they have always been. But, this one seems to be lesser than no substance.

i change bestfriend every week

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