Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Drugs

I had the worst night last night.

I could not even close my eyes without feeling the damned veins throbbing like it had seizures and try as I might, I could not fight the urge to touch the hole using my tongue. So, the whole of last night and believe me when I say it was the whole of last night cause I was in bed at 11ish and I just stared at the ceiling with my tongue playing the hole on my cheek till 430am. About 5.5 hours for my tooth, my tongue, the hole and me to bond.

I think the dentist gave me his whole supply of medication from the cupboard that was probably overdued last December so as to make room for new ones. You see, normally, you have to take your medicine once in 8 hours that means to say, 3 times per day. And for each time you take it, you only have to swallow 1 or if not maximum 2 pill/s for 1 course of medicine and worst come to worst you have 3 courses of medicine to complete. So that means, normally, you swallow on average 3 pills in 8 hours.

Check this out. I have 3 courses of medicine to complete. But, here is the catch. I have the pain-killer which, thank God, is in capsule form so I don't have to taste the bitterness and I have to take 2 capsules, 4 times a day.

And, then, there is another capsule which I have to take that I cannot remember what it is for; so I have to take another capsule, 3 times a day.

Now, there's the antibiotic which is the killer, I swear. And it didn't even help that it was in pill form so when I place it on my tongue, I can feel the bitterness increasing by the second and sometimes when I wash it down my throat with water, it tends to 'swim' everywhere before finally going down. So at the end of it, my whole mouth tastes bitter. And, it would be perfectly tolerable for me if it's just 1 pill but no baby, it's 4 pills.

Yes. 4 freaking pils. 2 huge and 2 small. But bitter all the same. I have a good feeling bile tastes like all the 4 pills put together.

Then, there is this green solution that I have to gurgle with. It's something like your Listerine but it tastes a lot stronger and I think they have up the concentration by a little too cause when I gurgle and I let it touch the tooth and the hole, I just want to roll over on the bathroom floor and die.

And this morning, I wanted to make it a tad more fun for myself so I can be distracted from the torturous pain. Or so I thought. So after gurgling and willingly allowing myself to be submitted to another round of hell, I thought it would be interesting to let just a little of the solution down my throat. Just a little to see what will happen...

And it was like fuck. I spat out everything that was in my mouth; coughed so violently cause I thought my throat was on fire and I was tearing so badly that I really thought my throat was on fire. Then later when I wanted to drink Nestum, it tastes like Listerine. So my throat is a bit out of service at the moment.

Oh, then there is this cream that I have to put on the affected area until it forms a thin layer of film on the gum. And everytime the cotton bud touches my gum, my gum screams expletives of all languages; it surprises me sometimes. So, again, I though I should distract myself and I decided to taste the cream and when it has safely mix with my saliva, I swallowed it.

Nothing happened.

Then, my tummy began to hurt a little which then exploded into great torment and I knew it had got to be the cream. Took the box and this was what I saw printed in miniscule but red label at the bottom of it- POISON.

I rest my case.

I cannot believe this whole post is about my drugs.

This is a convo between my Mom and my Aunt whose daughter is taking Social Science in NUS.

Mom: So, what faculty does she belong to in NUS?

Aunt: Oh, Science and Social Studies.


Okay, stop.


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