Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rejecting Wisdom

I am very very grouchy today.

I'm having one of those days when everything around you spells S-H-I-T; everything that everyone says spells S-H-I-T even when they are not talking to you; your life at that moment seems like S-H-I-T and basically, you feel like you are S-H-I-T.

I'm sure you get what I mean now.

Remember that friggin' wisdom tooth that is annoyingly growing? It's getting onto my nerves... or rather my veins that it's giving me a split headache. You can feel the veins throbbing then it goes all the way up to your head and then onto your temple and that is when you feel like putting a gun in your mouth. Or simply, S-H-I-T.

So, I went to the dentist's and he had an X-ray done and thank God, the wisdom tooth is growing straight and not at an angle. If it happened to be the latter, I have to go for a surgery to get it remove. So, now the problem is not that bad, eh? Yeah, I wish.

The problem now is my wisdom tooth is growing at a rate that put the snail's renowned speed at shame and thus, now my gum is forced to expand to allow my tooth to appear. But, my tooth refuses to appear and hence my gum is still forced to expand and now it's swollen. And, the tooth has no plans on 'breaking from the gum' anytime soon.

As though that is not bad enough, there is this hole on my cheek. Not the side that you can see cause that will mean I can see it too and that will freak the hell out of me. So, it's the inner side where I cannot see but I can feel with my tongue. And, being the ingenous person that I am, I took a picture of it using my phone and holy, it sure is a hole. It's red and huge and it's a hole.

I wanted to post the picture up but I guess I won't cause it's too graphic and disgusting.

The only good thing that came from all this screwed-up shit is my 2 days MC.

I cannot believe I wrote this whole post on my wisdom tooth.

I'm off to continue being grouchy.

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