Saturday, July 26, 2008


Have you ever wondered how it'll be if you discovered you were adopted and found yourself having the hots for your step-father/mother all this time?

Well, I haven't. But if you have, no, I won't judge you. Heh.

Anyhow, pardon me for the absence but I have been rather busy with nothing lately. No, actually, I have quite plenty of things to settle but it's this queer feeling that you are doing virtually nothing despite doing many things each day and you are left questioning if you have done anything today. Yeah, that's why I've been away for sometime.

No, actually, I was just lazy. But see, compare what I just said to the above paragraph. It's a lot more interesting to say all that nonsense than just to say I've been a sloth.

Oh yeah, I snip snip snip my hair yesterday. Told the hair stylist that I just wanted to cut the fringe and trim the hair but keeping the length. The fringe is okay- well, anything is better than my previous fringe which covered my whole face but with the trimming, my hair kinda like get a lil shorter and I don't really like that.

I feel that cutting your hair is such an intimate process. No, really. Not the horny kinda intimate but just you know, close intimate. If that make sense to you, good. When the guy washed my hair and massaged my scalp, I get this funny, comfy feeling all over that I eventually dozed off. And when he was done, I was so tempted urge to tell him, "You missed a spot". It's the same thing when anyone cuts your hair also but sometimes, actually all the time, I get too bored, I dozed off again.

Had meet the parents just now and it was pleasant. Teachers were nice; they have always been. Seriously, it's not the teachers, it's the damned system. But, the reality is that, for the first time in my 10 years of playing well in this wicked system, this has got to be the ultimate test thus far.

Less than 2 months to turn the tables and shove the results in their faces; I know I can do it but I'm not sure if I can do it in time.

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