Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thank You!

Before anything, thank you guys for being there for me during this hard time. You probably think what you said/did was very minor but truth is, it keeps me going these past few days especially when giving up is ever so tempting. You guys know who you are; thank you! :)

Anyway, this week has been okay so far. After all that had happened, nothing could get worse or maybe I could just be mistaken. Heh. I've been trying very hard to be positive and just get going and truth is, it's very very hard. You have friends in school, work to do, jokes to make and laugh at; these are just distractions and when all is said and done and when you are left all alone, that's when you feel the whole world again on your shoulders and that's how quickly the tears roll.

It's true- we are all just putting up a facade or maybe it's just me. Because it shields you from your harsh truth and you need it. You want it. At least, I need it.

On a different note altogether, I am so sorry for making this blog such a depressed page! For those of you who haven't been laughing at my ridiculous thoughts these past few days, things will get back to normal soon!

Anyway, my dad is discharged already and he's already up and about. The whole episode shook him and he's abandoning smoking altogether so thank heavens! I've been trying to persuade him to stop smoking for donkey years already and he's only doing it only after being hospitalised. Had I known... Heh.

Another time peeps!

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