Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Humping Bees

While the rest of the people head on to the LT and fill their brains with something worthwhile, I am at home typing this out and contemplating on sleeping after I am done with this post. Tell me, who is the winner here? Hah.

Woke up today and the fever has subsided a lot and my bones are still aching but not as aggresively like they were yesterday but the head still has that humping thang going on and my throat, well, my throat is officialy gone case. I could not even swallow my own saliva and being the ingenious person that I have always been, I thought drinking something hot would do the trick. And, when I was thinking of something with a very high temperature but still consumable, it did not occur to me of the miraculous effect of warm plain water thus I went on drinking hot Nescafe.

Now, not only is more sore throat really sore and I think someone is humping in my head, my throat is beginning to act like a real bitch and I'm beginning to be convinced that a bee has flown into my ear and up to my brain and found a mating partner there and as we speak, they are making babies. Perfect, perfect day.

Anyway, I think results will not be out this Friday especially since Atiqah has wholesale-ly copied a whole paragraph from the Cambridge website that said, results will be given to the centres on 21st Jan and the most probable date of the result will be 25th obviously. So, there you go. Live another week of your life with sheer torture.

I kinda wanted the results to be this Friday but at the same time, I don't really want to, You know, that kinda feeling that you get like you really want something but there's a voice at the back of your head reminding you of the dire consequences. Something like that...

Okay, I can hear my pillow calling me. I'm coming.

giving up something familiar for the unknown

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