Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Soccer Fever

I have a fever and influenza. And, 2 days MC while I'm at that.

I am secretly happy and satisfied and glad that I have a fever so I can skip a few days of college. But, now that I told you I am happy and satisfied and glad, this is no longer a secret, eh?

Anyhoo, my throat hurts so much. My bones and muscles hurt very much too. And, my head is pulsating and throbbing like as though someone is humping real hard in my head. Okay, slightly inappropriate but that is the best I can go to illustrate the immense agony I am suffering from at this very moment.

Funny how I wished I had fever just last Saturday. I wanted so much to have a fever and some sore here and there since the last time I had those were a few months back, before Prelims I think. Crazy, I know but it's those kind of thing that gives you so much excruating pain that when it's gone, you just wish it'd stay for a while more. Like Geography lessons, for example- simple yet apt.

Don't blame whatever I've just written on the drugs cause I've not consumed any. I just refuse to take all the medication and you would too if you were me la. The pills are like fat ass yellow pill and orange circular pill that somehow tries to fool you for candy. Then, there is also the lozenges for my gone-case throat. I know you are supposed to suck on it then you'll taste a bitter-sweet kinda thing but hell, scrape the sweet away la! All I taste is bile though I've never tasted bile before.

Bodoh, man.

But I have 2days MC so nothing else can wreck the next 2 days of my life. Nothing, you hear me.

On a more sensible and sane note, I have already gotten my CCA. Soccer, it is. The whole time I played soccer it was like no holds barred and there were no rules to abide nor was there any strategy to follow. Like always, I just whack and whack the ball and when I'm lucky I score, when the other player is unlucky, I whack his leg. So, there you go, my history of professional soccer.

Told Kai Hui that I'll die if I have CCA on Monday or Wednesday or Friday cause these are the days I get to go home earlier than usual. And as though my life is already too impeccable and not a screwed-up mess, trainings are on Monday and Friday. Thanks eh, thank you.

Oh, I am so bloody scared that results will be this Friday since word has been going around. Must watch news tomorrow to check on the reliability of these sources. Hmm, oddly familiar...

another day is going by and still waiting

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